    2004胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; 劉思敏, 臺灣地區金融發展與個人人壽保險需求, , 保險與危險管理學術研討會論文集 2005,臺北縣淡水鎮, , 2005-04-01-
    2004Shaw, D.; Pang, A.; 洪鳴丰; Hung, Ming-feng; Wei Cen, Economic Growth and Air Pollution in China, , 兩岸經濟發展研討會, 北京大學中國經濟研究中心,北京, , 2004-08-30-
    2003胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; 高于晴, 自付比例對門診醫療利用之影響─身心障礙者與非身心障礙者之比較分析, , 第五屆全國實證經濟學論文研討會論文集,臺中市, , 2004-06-01-
    2002胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; 魏崇暉; 周稚傑, 臺灣兒童牙科門診需求與部分負擔—1997年-2000年縣市跨年資料之分析, , 臺灣經濟學會年會論文集,台北市, , 2002-12-01-
    2000胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; Phelps, Charles E., An approach to testing medical variations when policy characteristics may become important, , 128th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association, Boston, , 2000-11-01-
    2000胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan, The economic reality of the Taiwanese beauty myth : Obesity, employment opportunities, and earnings, , 76th Annual Conference of Western Economic Association, San Francisco, , 2001-07-01-
    1999胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; 鄭志宏; Cheng, Chin-hung; 郝充仁; Hao, Chung-jen, Parents influence on children's medical care-the evidence from the 1987 medical expenditure survey., , Submitted to the 75th annual conference of western economic association in vancouver, , 2000-06-01-
    1998許松根; 胡登淵; 陳錦鈴, 產業供給的預測, , 淡江大學第四屆產業經濟學術發展研討會, , 1999-03-01-
    1998胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; Phelps, Charles E., The possible influence of the prospective payment system on hospital admissions---upcoding heart disease, , Seventy-fourth annual western economic association international conference, San Diego, California, United States, , 1999-07-01-
    1998胡登淵; Hu, Teng-yuan; Phelps, Charles E., The impact of the professional standard review organizations on cardiologists' behavior, , Australian studies in health service administration 86, , 1999-07-01-